Winter Partial Rentals
Discounts on partial rentals (equipement only + tax): 5% military & first responders, 15% 7-13 days, 20% 14+ days. *Not available for discounts.
Fish house rental includes: routing service, showers & free parking.
*($28.00 lodging rate with partial rental or $22.50 with complete pkg)
Sleeper Fish House - per day 2 person rate/min$139.00
Sleeper Fish House per night 2 person rate/min$175.00
Sleeper Fish House per day 3 person rate/max$164.00
Sleeper Fish House per Night 3 person rate/max$200.00
Eskimo insulated portable per day 2 person rate/min$52.00
Eskimo insulated portable per day 3 person rate/max$77.00
Power Ice Auger - electric$50.00
Manual Ice Auger$7.00
Ice Saw$6.00
Ice Chisel$5.00
Tip-ups, non-insulated$5.00
Tip-ups, insulated$7.00
Ice Fishing Rod$5.00
Mr Heater - Propane Heater/Cooker (1 tank of fuel included)$36.00
Mr Heater - Propane Buddy Heater (1 tank of fuel included)$12.00
Ice Scoop$2.50
Vexillar Depth Finder$12.00
Snowshoes (youth set $15)$20.00
Hub Partial Guide (for portable fish house)$200.00
Hub Platinum Full Guide (for portable fish house)$400.00
Satellite Phone (discounts for 5,7, & 14 day rental)*$20.00
Satellite SPOT (1-3 days, $5.00 per add’l day)*$25.00
Packs; #3.5, #4, Guide & Trail (no foam)$6.00
Deluxe Packs$7.00
Bear-Resistant Food Barrel$8.00
Sleeping Bag – freshly laundered$5.50
Thermarest Sleeping Pad$5.50
Ax or Saw$2.50
Cook Kit (per person)$3.50
Water Filter or SteriPEN$7.00
Fire Grate/Griddle$2.00
Coleman Stove/Lantern$4.00
Poncho or Rod Holder$1.00
Food w/cook kit (per person)*$50.00
Portage Wheels$10.00
Depth Finder - hand held flash light style$4.00
2-6 person Alps tent$12-$18
Hammock or Cot$10.00
Tarp (standard)$3.00
Rod and Reel$5.00
Camp Chair$4.00
Shower (free w/fish house rental)$7.00
Bunkhouse only (per person – min 2 person rate)$30.00